Penguinplayz Media Rank Application

Channel link:

Number of subs: 42,200

Average number of views per vid: My videos average from, 150 to 450 on some videos.

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers: I’ve been creating content on minecraft servers for around 1year.

Servers for which you have created content: Servers that I have created content on are Hypixel, Mineplex, The hive, and on MunchyMc!

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC?
I feel I would be a good candidate because of the amount of time I have spent on the server I have met a very nice staff team and players. I feel I would be able to bring people who wouldn’t normally play Minecraft in the first place to this server by creating fun, original, and entertaining videos and streams. With the media rank, I feel I could be a Guiding light for new players who are interested in the server. I can inform staff when there is a hacker in my server and help them with getting rid of those nasty cheaters. Finally, I feel I would be a good candidate for media rank on munchy mc because I would be able to stream and get players introduced into the server who have never played on the server before. Below I have posted a screenshot of my views in the past month.


I suggest you make more MunchyMC content!

It appears you only recently began making munchy content, which would be okay if you managed to keep it up! But, I’d personally make a few more videos or streams before applying for this.

I understand that I need more Munchy content which will definitely happen in the next two weeks I have been thinking about making a video on survival games soon.

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Thank you for reading my application, I am new to making content on the server because I was never really that good at pvp but that won’t stop me from still making videos on the server in the coming weeks :D.

Once i see more ill reconsider my vote <3

Application denied. We’d like to see you get more involved with the community before we accept you. If you have any questions, please feel free to message me on discord. NoEffortName#3750

Please wait 1 month before reapplying