One Question Go!

Ask the person above you a question and they will give you an answer!


suggestion: make it so you ask whoever comes after you; not whoever is before you to avoid the post becoming messy

i beat vurm a fourth time

did u mean to put this in the forum question? LOL


i meant tweak the forum game

Eh? That makes it more complicated though

No like if you asked me “toes or knees” I would answer and then just ask next person smth else, like this:

aries: do you like toes or knees better?

me: I prefer knees! especially the kneecaps

me(in same post): elbows or shins?

next person: shins!



heres the post

me: hey

other: do you like food

me: yes

next: @other do you like food

1 Like

ok makes sense

@tbhnosey do you prefer carrots or chicken
