Mysterious Wither

Ok so for the last 2-3 weeks the wither has been dying really fast, and I fly to it as fast as I can, and I can never find it. Not even the health bar and I’m at the same cords as chat said. I fly around the area and look for at least the heath bar but I never find it. Also I all ways as chat “Who got the Nether Star?” but no one says anything just a few people saying the same thing.

If anyone has been getting the “Nether Star” every time at least tell the chat you got it.
Btw sorry if it sounds like I’m complaining I just want to know.

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People hit the wither than fly away, and the boss bar isnt a thing.


The wither follows the one that hits it first^^

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There are certain players who have a talent for leading the wither away before everyone else gets to it. This is one of the reasons why many have called for more of a ‘level playing field’ - aka a wither event which is more fun for everyone. As far as I know, this is being looked into.

Hope I answered your question. :slight_smile:


The wither do seem to be disappearing a lot recently… hmm.



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You just have to be QUICK. As Tocca said, they get captured really quickly due to people leading them away.