My Return to MunchyMC (Maybe)

So I stopped playing on this server a while ago ever since Skeppy made the server big and the chat was aids with “14” “flipflop” “f” and all those other memes. But I may return to the server because I have been playin since 2016ish and it was some of the best times in my life because life wasn’t good at that time but it’s okay now and I may return. I really did miss the server and returning may be good because i also quit mc because it was boring. I am going to try and play on the server again and maybe have fun. That’s basically it and yeah.

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Welcome back! The server and memes have calmed down a lot since.

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Welcome back! Hopefully you find the server enjoyable again!

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guys he said maybe. He doesn’t deserve a welcome back until it’s for certain…

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Fair enough, but it’s still nice to have welcomes, even if it isn’t confirmed.

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Thanks for all the welcome backs I appreciate it I think I am probably going to return


We haven’t had many memes on here for quite a few months, you’re safe to return.


You really should! The server has cooled down a bit and you can play without people being over excessive about the memes. Unless he joins. Then its all over.