Munchy's Biggest Problem!

Hello, I have been a Munchy player since December 2015. Back when I used to play this server and found it fun I would always log into Competitive. The style of PVP in competitive was the best, and so much better than casual. Munchy was a great server and had a funny community. Which is one of the reasons I stuck around. I used to think this server was really great and addicting.That being said it really pains me to see the current situation with the competitive.

The competitive game mode is just not what it used to be. The game mode is washed up and left to rot. It’s been left as a husk of it’s former glory.

Building Problem

One big problem with competitive is the dreadful map it currently has. It really goes to show how much Competitive isn’t taken care of.

The map has 0 care and effort put into it. It is just a garbled mess of blocks put together. Stone, grass and gray stained clay are put together to make one hill. This causes the hill to look unrealistic and actually make it unappealing. The “grass” was just a mix of clay and the grass block but that still makes it look putrid because there was no care put into how much clay is in it.

There is also trees which look like they are spawned from my nightmare copied and pasted in. There is zero care put into it and it shows.

Put all of this together and it makes the whole map look horrific, you can tell just how much was worldedited. I would enjoy the old map much more to be brought back or at the very least a revamp. But NEVER go for this map again. I bet even the builder doesn’t know what he was going for while building this.

Gameplay Problem

Competitive has gameplay elements that have been changed to be like casual. This was a horrible idea as competitive is now a casual copy. What competitive is missing is its old commands such as /sharp, /repair, /soup, etc. The /Repair command used to be different and much better back then. There would be a timer and vulnerability which made players to be punished for using /repair during a fight. Now instead of something that can be punished we get this.


This doesn’t make anything competitive there’s no indication of someone using /repair. The old /repair did that by having a red wool on their head while repairing.

Please don’t use these stupid poles for re-soups in competitive just use the old /repair format. Try to make competitive different from casual at least put in an effort this time.

Random structures like this kill the whole point of competitive. What is competitive about, kicking people off a platform for a kill?

Advertising Problem
When I ask people if they play competitive the answer I get most frequently is “What is competitive?”. Now that is expected from how little attention is payed, since casual is in front of new player’s faces. But why don’t we push competitive to their faces by placing a warp npc in spawn?

This can be used as a small tactic to get competitive actual attention. I’m sure the geniuses in munchy can find other ways to advertise the best gamemode in munchy. Events for competitive can drastically make a big change and bring back the playerbase for it. But make sure to keep in mind that it is COMPETITIVE!

In conclusion munchy is too much of a developed server to not keep up with the competitive standards.

P.S. Fix /Lottery -clappedkid


I agree, casual sucks, however most of the servers player-base is skeppy fans and I don’t think 9 year olds play comp.

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Couldn’t agree more. However, even if the map does get a revamp (which it is in dire need of) i still doubt it would get the attention it deserves as all the new, active players just seem to enjoy the creativity and flashiness of the kits in casual and would most likely just find competitive a less interesting version of casual. However, for an old player like myself i think bringing back old aspects from mcpvp, such as the red wool when repairing, would be nostalgic and refreshing. To clarify, i believe the reason competitive is so dead is not really down to the aesthetics of the map but due to how little it is noticed by most of the playerbase due to its lack of advertisement on the server. There used to be players like xShrek who would get a crowd of people to warp to competitive in an attempt to host a manual event, however players rn dont really seem to care as much.


I think steps should at least be taken to try and bring back competitive.

Never really been a big fan of competitive myself. My view on this is that most players that now play can hardly soup and that competitive would only be fun for good players. Atleast in casual lower skilled players have kits and abilities to sometimes get a kill, making it more fun that running out and dying. Even if they did change the map, certain commands etc, I still don’t think many people would play.

In competitive warp the map sucks if you want people to play comp get a good map there (imo)

Competitive hasn’t been active since the server came out with casual…which wasnt TOO long after the server went up. Its been a dead gamemode forever and if it was gonna be worked on then maybe it wouldve been already. Though I enjoyed the simpleness of it, I dont think comp will come back around and get a player base now. Who knows, maybe if this is pushed enough it will…but if people wanted comp to stick around why not post/talk to staff about this when it immediately died after they didnt showcase both pvp servers when casual came out? Eh. Just my thoughts though

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The problem is new players just spawn in to see casual pvp so they logically think that’s all there is to munchy. Competitive died out because it’s hidden in the warp list as I explained in the post, most people don’t even know it exists.

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Thats what I was saying ;-; its been like that though since casual came out. So its been a looooong while. A couple people brought up having separate portals (when there were portals to join) and blah blah but never happened. Honestly they can make more money off casual and IMO its way too late to bring back comp.
I cant type aparently.

Oh, that’s why the arena warp got moved back into the hotbar, in order to not let new players see the competition warp in the warp list.

Wouldn’t hurt to try to bring it to people’s attention. : (

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it was pushed for many times but ignored

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Just wanted to say that this would be an excellent idea to get competitive back to its’ former glory. Jadoo had already brought up this discussion but nonetheless, good points.

We’re not removing our current Casual aspect though, I’ll bet my diamond blocks on that. Simply making the competitive warp into our classic Kit server might just be what we need.

Edit: cleaned up thread


ahem. There were actual grass blocks, and clay was added as a texture.

how do we make grass, then?

just like that. Put a mixture of actual grass, and two variants of clay.
Let me put this into a W/E command:

//set grass,159:5,159:13


Now, I do agree on the stupid structures on Competitive. I loathe them as well. Otherwise, I don’t quite agree, but thank you for putting this up.

Yea that’s what I said, there was zero effort put into it. Anyone can do that in just 3 seconds I know how to worldedit too and there could’ve been actual effort put into it.

That’s currently the only way to do it. You could try decorating by placing buttons or plants, though

thats not the only way to do it… there are other creative ways to do so

huh. Yay my point is useless now

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