MunchyMC Newsletter - April 2018


Newsletter: Edition 5

Hey Munchies! It’s me, CatTech :smile_cat: Okay, I’m doing the newsletter this time around because featherpaw asked me to :smile_cat: April is over and Munchy has had some changes to it :smile_cat: so we’ll be recapping on a few of the major events that took place and what’s in store for Munchy for May :smile_cat:


The juicy stuff first :smile_cat: we welcomed a few people to some positions this month :smile_cat:

The Event Team has a few more members now:

@Bearz, @kitcaaat, and @Gould earned it last month and they’ve done a great job :smile_cat:

@MadInToilet is under review for Event as well, so wish him luck if you haven’t yet!

There’s a new Builder around: @Unillusioned will be building some cool things :smile_cat:

And, although technically not a Builder, @Jif7’s Wool Wars map is now in the game :smile_cat: Well done!

A new Forum Moderator has joined: it’s kitcaaat again :smile_cat:

At the beginning of the month, the Helper position was released, and with that our first batch of helpers have appeared:

  • Bearz__
  • @Mystic
  • Gould_
  • CATTECH :smile_cat: that’s me

Also, @Drama now has Media. Congrats :smile_cat:

Where is Prison!?

Dream :pouting_cat: where is Prison :pouting_cat: Well, that’s the question everyone has been asking, and the big man @DreamOnPvP has gotten an announcement out to let us know he is going to take some more time to make Prison the best it can be! You can read this announcement here :smile_cat:

Voting Competition!

Okay, guys :smile_cat:I announced a Voting competition for this month, May, and the top 3 people on the leaderboard for most votes at the end of the month will get ELITE PRIZES! It’s not too late to start voting to have a chance to make the top 3 and you can check out the Voting Competition Announcement I made for everything you need to know about that :smile_cat:


Clans has been a long-anticipated update to Munchy and @Callahan made it happen this month :smile_cat: Clans is out! And as long as its’ been out, people have been straight GRINDING to earn their place on the leaderboard :smile_cat: the following is the Top 3 Clans for the most kills in KitPvP :smile_cat:

#3: Pandxh - 3,868 Kills

Leader: @Pandxh
Members: @Gmbe, @sukc, @Lazzo, @Stogma, Lubblubbb, Noxyh, Chilax, NOHAXJUSTVALE, Drama, Achiliti, Khrome

#2: TEMPO - 5,468 Kills

Leader: @Warlock505
Members: MadInToilet, Bearz, @2086, @cheater, @Mboscolo, @Dy1an, @Trimly, @TheCyberCreeper, @Antfrost, @Reakles, iTzShock

#1: CouncilEstate - 7,481 Kills

Leader: @McFluerty
Members: @Rewr, @tabletop, @rippedjeans, @RedComboPvP, MidWife

Well done to everyone that made the chart :smile_cat: things can change though, so check back next month for the next ranking :smile_cat: Also, shout-out to TECH GANG making #11 for the month :smile_cat: tech gang tech gang :smile_cat:

That's It!

I guess that concludes the newsletter :smile_cat: There’s probably a bunch of major things that happened I forgot about so yeah oops :smile_cat:

One last shout-out to @_featherpaw for letting me take over the newsletter this month :smile_cat: I hope you enjoyed the endless cat emojis but yeah I think I did pretty good :smile_cat: Catch me next month perhaps?

Please PM or reply below with any suggestions you have concerning the newsletter or how CatTech does the newsletter. Like, did you enjoy the way I presented it, or should I keep a more formal tone, I don’t know :smile_cat: so let me know what you thought of this newsletter so I can do better :smile_cat:

This was a great month for Munchy, so let’s keep it up for May :smile_cat:


Nice newsletter @CatTech!
I like the casual feel and flow.
Plus, you can never have enough cat emojis… apparently :stuck_out_tongue:


Nice job CatTech!! Thanks for taking it over this month. :heart_eyes_cat:




great Newletter Cattech! Tech gang #1


I love the new newsletter! Is it so awesome. :smiley_cat::smiley_cat:

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Best newsletter yet @CatTech never too many cat emojis! :heart_eyes_cat::smiley_cat::smile_cat:


Could have talked about more info we don’t have that much knowledge about, still a good issue of this newsletter.

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@CatTech Thanks, for mentioning me!:kissing_cat:


March is an unlucky month

:joy: Congrats though


:cat2: :heart_eyes_cat:

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Wow roood :wink: