Mr_egel's Wool Wars kit tier list

S tier: Vast, Glider, Bouncy, Camel
A tier: Feather, Teleporter, Archer, Paladin, Anvil
B tier: Speedster, Knitter, Tinker, Ninja, Greedy
C tier: Grandpa, Healer
D tier: Pyro, Salvager, Engineer, Vanish, Vision
F tier: Spiderman, Pufferfish.

If I missed any, please tell me.
imo, only speedster and up is viable.


Lol Spiderman has a lot of advantages to keep people away from u, or if you have a bow, you can trap them and bow spam them, pot them with poison and damage, without any return damage. haha

Knitter is also really good if you use it right

you only get 3, and there are way better kits, so it’s not that good imo

Lol any snowball works, and those are really common

Putting healer as a C tier is a cardinal sin

I agree, Healer is actually really good if u can get kills cuz, infinite healing pretty much lol. Also infinite regen, That’s actually really useful in fights