Map submission

First off, you don’t have to place chests/end portal frames everywhere unless you REALLY need them there.

The walls are too bland and uninteresting.

The map seems too generic to feel like a map with intrigue and a interesting genre.

If I am one to complain, there is too much quartz. Try to mix it up with a gradient of other white blocks. (i.e. Wool, Iron [Note: only use it where you’re sure no players in-game can mine it and get an advantage.])

This map spawns a level of déjà vu, as it looks like a train wreck of collided maps

What you could do to improve would be increase the palette and make the map more unique.

Getting off of that topic, the map does not directly follow the Map Submission template listed here, and the download link isn’t specified on the post, rather on the comment section, making the topic less unified.

The map name is too generic, and it feels like too many maps have been submitted in a manor as such with quartz and white blocks making the genre quite stale for new people to hop into building these types of woolwars maps.

To be fair, the map doesn’t even have a strict theme you’d see with regular maps.

I hope you best of luck on your building adventures!



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