Jitterjatter's Staff Application

I know and I have appealed and the mods are deciding to unban me! I still can use TeamSpeak!

@Joshios I may be banned from discord but I still play a large part in the community!

Well, discord is one of the main communication applications of MunchyMC and the fact that you were banned shows you are not ready to moderate others. You need to learn to moderate yourself first.

@Joshios I was banned for @ing more than one mod and to be fair, no mods were on and a Person was online and was sexually harassing other players in the community! I was banned out of annoyance, not that I donā€™t know how to manage my self! It was on the staff to have a mod online and they didnā€™t!

I do not want to have an argument on your application. Please message me on discord Joshios#5845 if you would like to speak more.

Thatā€™s fine! I will message you in a few hours!

-1 lack of maturity in my opinion based on previous history of spamming chat and spam @ā€˜ing staff members. Best of luck.



+1 Good Job Jitter! Iā€™m rooting for you! :)



I agree with the things Nugget says, but I have seen them around a lot and they can be quite nice, so I wonā€™t be one to judge.

Also, Hi @MissHolliee ! welcome to the fourms!

Thank you!

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Application denied. We feel that you donā€™t meet the requirements for staff at this time, try working on your maturity. We hope to see you apply again in the future!

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