Worst topic I ever made please kill me

Please why did I make this garbage post oh my lord


What is an EeveeNoises?

Heh, it’s not at all weird that you’re a discord mod! I know there’s memes and such about it all over the place, but that’s extreme stereotyping and shouldn’t be taken seriously.
Don’t feel put down because of the jokes that people make, as long as you’re enjoying what you’re doing then keep going with it!


crafty best mod.

No u <333

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whats a eeveenoise

People who bully others for enjoying things they find no excitement in are lame. If you enjoy being a mod on the server, that’s all that matters!



that gave me flashbacks to when eevee was spamming
Promote Me Daddy in ebots ww game LMAO

Being a discord mod isn’t weird at all in my opinion. As long as you enjoy it, who is stopping you from moderating? It’s not anyone’s business to judge you for your hobbies and interests that don’t harm them in any way. Keep up the good work

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That’s almost as weird as being an admin on a Minecraft server. Gross.


Or an Admin on Eevee’s server… that would be hilarious!


Mom important people replied to me what do I do qwq

Neither of them are important, don’t get it twisted.

eww, imagine being an admin or a jmod on a block game. (jk)

First off, no it isn’t weird to be a discord mod or any mod for that matter. Just know a lot of people wish they could be a mod on a platform of some sort and going from what @Brush_Your_Teeth said, some people just bully for fun for no reason so just ignore them and they will get bored and leave you alone. They just want attention and to get a laugh out of it. Again, some people, like myself wishes they were a mod on a Minecraft server and others want to be a discord moderator for some discord servers. So it is ok to be a moderator.


LMAO IMAGINE :skull::skull:

Don’t let people put you down for something you enjoy. It’s not wierd at all! I find it pretty cool!