ImPartOfTheSquad's builder application

IGN and past IGN’s:
ImPartOfTheSquad is my current IGN my past IGN is superpoopburger. (Please don’t question it)
Can you use Teamspeak or Discord (State one or both):
I can use discord and teamspeak if you want me too, I have it installed. My discord is username/id is PartOfTheSquad#7988
How long have you played MunchyMC?:
I have played on MunchyMc for a few months now, I’m not exactly sure how many tho.
Portfolio (Builds you’ve made with pictures):
These are some islands I helped make for a skyblock server I used to work on.
Can you use World Edit or Voxel (State one or both): I can use WorldEdit.
**Describe your build specialty (detailing, terraforming, structures, etc.):My build specialty is terraforming, and structures.

Describe yourself:
Hey! I am Squad
I am a 14 year old with a unique personality, I must admit I can be a bit shy at first but once I get to know people more I can be as talkative as can be! I am very trusted by a lot of Minecraft server communities, for I used to be staff on many Minecraft servers. Some of them with over 1500 players!

Thanks for reading my builder application, and I hope you consider me as one of your server builders. Thank you. :grinning:
