I was muted for 2 months and it might have been the best thing to happen to me on here

Hello, I’m on DREX0R (pronounced DREX-OR for the nerds) but this is mainly supposed to be a serious post. 2 months ago from yesterday I was fooling around on Kitpvp acting like a crack head and being a jerk to people that were slightly rude to me instead of trying to reason with them and also saying stupid things that weren’t too appropriate. So then one day I was on and I decided to fool around so I did and said something stupid and got a 2 day mute. Now if you knew me before I wouldn’t stress about it as I had 31 mutes at the time so this was 32. Then however the next day I found I was muted
for 2 months. So this was my 32nd mute and I realized I would have to wait this out. So I decided to take a break from this sever and I came here to announce that because I didn’t want to keep telling everyone this. However when I expected a goodbye I got something different. A welcome. A welcome to the new side of this community and I realized I’ve been doing this same stupid charade for too long and I decided to change. While I did I found a better, nicer, slightly more intellectual side with it but I felt ad if I was losing myself so I kept parts of the old me and combined it with the new to make a superior version of myself while this was happening I came back to munchy and interacted here and on discord with everyone and learned a lot about others such ad my past forum posts and my replies on the discord.

Now I feel fresh to start and I’m for once not expecting to get muted again which feels “fresh” as I can describe it lol. With these changes that came I feel as if I can be a more likable person and I hope that is the case because I’ve already met a ton of new friends and kept my relationships with the old. So even though this post has I in the title there is no I in people so I would like to congratulate some.

First I would like to thank some new friends and give a few words

Thank you to @Heroboy20 for being a fellow memer like me and I shall enjoy the memes in the future

Thank you to @danior to bring the king of memes

Thank you to @MindMyGames for being an avid megamind enjoyer as much as me

Thank you to @yecorgi for the lovely words and I do hope you check the forums my man because I hope to see you as much as you don’t hope to see me

Thank you to @Moumik for boosting my ego (I love my ego inflating like the economy)

Thank you to @Candlea for being a huge inspiration on how to act better everywhere the advice helps so much

Thank you to @Ironnose for being a pretty cool person

Thank you to @toejammmmmmmmmmm for liking like every single thing I post which I know you do with everyone but it goes a long way

Thank you to @numbersix for having the best political opinions to date and motivating me thorough this journey

Thank you to @RealParasitz for being a fellow woolwars poopers advocate and someone who supported me a lot throughout this journey (p.s I also love Batman and Spider-Man so you get brownie points for that)

Thank you to @JakeIsBakin for being an actual tolerable Canadian, I have horrible experiences with Canadians in the past but damn your nice af and you even like m&m lore so your amazing and you even accepted my theory liberals are lizard people

Thank you to @zaldrex for finally ending the stupid beef over who’s the better drex and agreeing that my cousin drexholio solos us both

Thank you to @Simfonija for rating my skins because your the best artist I know and I rlly appreciate the opinions and I rlly hope you’ll one day draw me arm wrestling William Howard Taft and winning while William Howard Taft has his shirt off

Thank you to @Saltymits for being a fellow cactus enjoyer and even though you play feather I still do have respect for you and also GL WITH THE MAP

And thank you to @Oracol for agreeing to name your firstborn after me :blush:

Now I already made sure to thank people in my original post of leaving munchy for a bit but these incredible people stay amazing and I just want to rethank you all just for being so supportive of me even when I wasn’t like now.

Thank you to @eevey for being incredible kind to me and probably the most kind actually

Thank you to @qifz for always supporting me whenever I needed it and being an absolute homie

Thank you to @xd_tristanlol while your banned from the server here you ain’t on discord so thank you for sending me the funniest stuff imaginable and having only the most peak music taste next to my other person I wanna thank so

Thank you to a1 teegz for approving of the redemption arc before literally anyone else so thanks a lot and I hope to chat more sometime because I feel I haven’t done so in a hot minute

Thank you to @Mjap for being an absolute chad and going to lengths to defend me when I’m getting dissed it means so much to me bro :sob:

Thank you to nate ftw for being a person who always backed me up in chat whenever

Thank you to five for being an incredible pupil at accepting my incredible rizz

And a very special Thank you to Endyz for being my baby mama and a person who always motivates me for the better I seriously value you so much my man you are irreplaceable and ik you’ll do well man :heart:

I hope you all get to see me as much as I hope to see you because I do a lot and I’m excited for the next adventure :heart: and this couldn’t have been possible without all of you guys it’s that being said I think it’s time you say it with me! WOOLWARS POOPERS

P.s love you all


drex,you are the munchymc forums greatest boon i am so delighted to be countest among your friends




holy W


Your Canadian but your tolerable so your also included


:blush: Welcome back!




I love dad jokes, WB!


I Don’t deserve to have all of you XD

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Woolwars poopers on top


thanks but *you’re, *you’re, and *you’re


Hi on DREX0R im Dan


W drex


Welcome Back Drex!


not going to be toxic or make a long post on why i hate you or anything even though theres quite a bit of rivalry and toxicity between us so just simpily

welcome back


Mhhhhm you don’t even have to mention that outside of here or discord so yes. Also I’m on my redemption arc so if you have a problem please ask my cousin DREX07 to manage this. Or DREX06 can also manage this problem.

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GG no randoms got anythin on us we elite. no @ me except drex000r


finally , no more competition


I just realised this post was made 29 days later

