Hi! I'm riley

Hello, my name is:

My favorite color is:

My favorite food is:
Potatoes (no not for the meme)

How I found this server:
I got invited to the discord server by a friend

Something more about myself:
I am genderflux or gender fluid for those who don’t ko genderflux essentially I don’t have a gender.
I am bisexual and am hoping to be able to apply for staff soon because I feel like i’d do good in a staff position I love ppl and don’t really like spam! love you guys!


Hey hey!! Welcome to the forums, Riley!! I hope we can get to talking more soon!! You seem like a cool person! I hope you enjoy your time here!

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Welcome :)

Welcome to the forums, Riley! :smiley:


If you ever need to talk I am here! I myself am Bisexual and can understand the things that some people could put you through


Welcome to the forums Riley

Welcome Riley!!

Hey and Welcome to the forums Riley! :slightly_smiling_face:

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