Heya, Im blue

Bout time I made a more formal introduction of myself to you all!

Hello, my name is: Zach, or bluepile.

My favourite color is: Blue, but putting other colors in the mix enhances it tenfold!

My favourite food is: too many

How I found this server: Skeppy and BBH I suppose.

Something more about myself: Too much screen, not enough exercise yet somehow not fat. Boom, life story! (Realer note I like Lego swimming gaming and welding)

Welcome to the forums!! Or, rather, a late welcome, as you seem to be familiar with this! I hope that you have fun here and enjoy it!

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Welcome to the forums, blue! :smiley:

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Welcome to the forums Zach!

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Welcome to the forums!

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Welcome to the forums! My favorite color is blue too :slight_smile:

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Welcome to the forums!

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