Forgotten Messa Map Submission

Map Name: Forgotten Messa
Made By: GoneRetro
Max Players:24
Parkour Block: Melon Blocks
Podium block: Cobblestone Slabs
Player Spawn (via Portal or /play): Glowstone
Center X: 0
Center z: -0
Lowest Y: 51
Highest Y: 140

>Map Download Link

Map Images

Ps: This is my first time submitting a map for Munchy so If there is anything I need to change please tell me!


Looks incredible, i’d recommend adding a few more platforms and then you’re set


Looks great! Really action packed design, but I think one wall looks bit bare. Otherwise, fabulous map!


Okay thanks for the suggestion I’ll be sure to get more into the map

thank you so much I can try to add more things onto that bare wall

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New link and pictures for the map

I actually like the walls itself but I do think there should be more colors between the light blue and red.
(Example) image


Very good map! Everything has been said and oppositely fixed so I see no downsides. I would love to play on this :D

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I like the design! The others have said basically everything so else so +0.75:)

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Impressive map!

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+1 I like this map a lot, though you should probably fix the download link because right now restricted access.


This map looks great!
Although a little more variation in platforms would be nice

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Yes sorry I forgot to change that when I posted the new link

I can try to make the platforms look different

Thank you for all of the feedback it helps me make the map better for future games of Wool Wars

Fixed link new photos!

All the suggestions with fixing and adding are done if there is anything else you want me to fix please do suggest it

+1 Absolutely amazing map, great design and idea. Although I would want to add just a little more variation of platforms.

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