Fix your Proxy

Lmao this has happened to many people through the maps including me just now. I was literally outside just standing around with all my stuff waiting for people to come out and then I randomly get kicked for proxy. It’s so dumb. So if any admins or prison mods can msg me and help me get it back that would be kind. PlzTruce was the one who crit my logger out.

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You took an L just accept it napkin smh

bite me

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Pce L monkey

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I don’t know much about proxies, maybe it was someone trying to log in to that server directly with your name, that got you kicked, but that someone couldn’t get on with an ip not coming from the lobby or any other server in the network.

i got my stuff back but still fix this problem please.

Yeah I also got kicked for proxy and lost a lot of loot… but I guess it was kind of my own fault I shouldn’t have logged on during the stream