FireBreathMan For Media Rank

Channel link:

Number of subs: 1,599

Average number of views per vid: 700 unless you mean stream viewers then 30-40

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers: almost 2 months now

Servers for which you have created content: Hypixel , MunchyMc

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC?
I think I would make a good candidate for media because I am a very pg muffin now because of bad yelling at me for swearing the first two times he talked to me. So now I never say anything bad. I think i’m very funny and get along with anyone I come into contact with unless they are being a mean boy.

Thank you for the opportunity -Firebreathman

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No comment other than, from what I can see you only have a small section of one of your streams where you have played munchy at all, and you have not played it in any videos other than that.

If I am wrong could you please refer me to the videos I am missing?

If it is the case, and this is your only munchy video, I recommend that you work on creating more content using munchy’s server before being accepted here as a media member.


I would have to look threw but I mostly join Hypixel then switch.


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Wow ;-;

Wrong You Get 300-400 vews per vid
(Exept Your First Vids That Got 10k or smthn)

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those are my streams silly billy… But you take it whatever you want

oh sorry

haha i’m just messing around :P


he deserves the rank he got some decent content

Update Im at 1.5 K now :)

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I think if you just keep uploading munchy videos you’ll be fine. You’re obviously the most known of any Media we’ve had so far, so you got that going for ya.

Application accepted you will be given Media for 2 weeks. If you continue to post MunchyMC related content your media rank will be extended. Also in the video description can you post MunchyMC’s server IP so players who watch your content will be able to come and play on the server. Thanks!


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