Crossbow is now useless... or am I missing something?

I came on today to test out new kits and the modifications made to existing ones. When I tested crossbow, the bow was power 2, which is fine. But I ran out of arrows in 4 seconds without a way to get them back. You used to be able to get another arrow after 10 seconds. I know that if you hit someone, you get the arrow back, but if you miss enough times, you have no way to get arrows back and you are forced to repair or spawn. Am I missing something here? Is there a mechanic that gives you more arrows? If not, this kit is useless now.


kill = arrow


Crossbow seems like a pretty dud kit in my eyes, but now it got nerfed? At this point it’s just like the pearl system for glider kit, except not as good.

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It seems more like Crossbow and Archer have exchanged their bows’ Power enchantment, while Archer gave up their Punch.
Also, Ninja is less risky.

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crossbow was super annoying before but now its basically unplayable. same with archer unless your near a body of water.

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I think a hit is an arrow. But when you miss then what!? I think archer was fine with power 3 punch 1 tbh