Clockyy's Media Application

Channel link: Clockyy - YouTube

Number of subs: 877

Average number of views per vid: 80-200 per video depends on how much time has passed after upload.

How long have you’ve been creating content for Munchy or other servers: I have been creating content since December! I upload MunchyMC, Hypixel, and other servers of which I will make a video on or stream on.

Servers for which you have created content: Servers which I have created content are MunchyMC, Hypixel, ClockHQ, InvadedLands, and more!

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC?

  • What I feel would make me a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC is that I create fun! exciting content whenever I can! I bring the community together when I stream and we all have fun doing the gamemodes such as WoolWars, KitPvP! I host events when I can with /event and do party fights in the 1v1 arena to bring the community together at times where their isn’t someone on to do so! :smiley:

Very nice guy very active +1 REP

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Big giant huge

I like your content and you were a huge part of munchy in the past


Thank you I appreciate it!
Hope to make the community more entertained!

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Recently made negative content about munchymc like the “GRIEFING MUNCHYMC” stream.

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Couldn’t agree more.

You also make many vids on munchy.


your wrong clockyy is the savoir of munchy


+1 he is a thot


Definitely media!


Clockyy where did you go ;( +1 absolute amazing guy awesome and cool

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You are really active and a huge part of the community. +1

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Shrek = bully.

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Epic gamer streams on munch a lot

-1 xShrek
He did not grief it but instead fixed it and the grieving part was a joke.

+1 big peen

+1 seems good. hope we both get it!

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Do I really need to say more

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Reaches the requirements! +1

Congratulations you’ll be given media for a total if 30 days. If you continue to post/stream MunchyMC content you can reach out to have it extended! Thanks for making content for the server! :)
