Clockyy's Media Application v2

Channel link:

Number of subs: 1,393

Average number of views per vid:

50-150 Average about 80.

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers:

I have been creating content for MunchyMC since 2018. :smiley:

Servers for which you have created content:

Servers of which I created content on, MunchyMC, InvadedLands, and Hypixel!

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC?

What I feel that would make me a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC is that I would be Streaming and making videos weekly on KitPvP and WoolWars with the community involved and enjoying their time on the server :smiley: I would love to expand in other gamemodes on the server such as Survival and Prison to expand the Content created for the servervand build the community bigger! Another Goal for me is for people to be happy everytime they see the community playing along in the gamemodes and being a team, host events with /event whenever I can! :upside_down_face:


+1 this guy is amazing and friendly in the community!! I enjoy playing with him and his videos are high quality


Thanks for the feedback @DoublesHelix :smiley:

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Thank you!

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+1 yes

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+1 good

Application accepted! Please message me on discord. NoEffortName#9999