Cl1maxXD's Media Application

Channel link: , I don’t have 500 subs but please read till the end.

Number of subs: 410

Average number of views per vid: 400-2.5k views per video.

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers: I haven’t created any content for munchy yet but I LOVE the server so far & I would love to work with it.

Servers for which you have created content: VexedMC, VelocusMC is a upcoming one & there’s been many servers that I’ve recorded for in the past.

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC?: Not sure, but I love the server & I love playing with friends in general, it’s a lot of fun & I would love to record for it & show the server around, play munchy with my viewers and more. :slight_smile:

Does not meet requirements.


Only thing I’m missing is the subscribers. And i’m only 90 away so far. My view count is a lot higher then youtubers with thousands or just more subs then me in general.

Hey @Cl1maxXD, I am glad to hear of your interest in becoming Media :smile_cat:

First things first, you already know you haven’t made any prior content of Munchy. You have made Minecraft content at all, which is something though. I recommend uploading a Munchy-relative video to prove to us that you can be dedicated to creating content for us. Your quality is sufficient too.

You also already know you don’t meet our subscriber count. While exceptions do exist, we need Media members to have a large-enough base to ensure your content is reaching out to as many as we’d like.

So do it :smile_cat: you do not need Media to create content. Once you have risen your subscriber count and demonstrate some consistency with your video production, I can almost guarantee you will earn the rank. I dropped a sub, so I hope you will continue to roll out some content!

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Hello @Cl1maxXD

Thanks for applying for media rank. I would recommend building your channel a bit more; also, you haven’t uploaded anything since making this application.

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