Build Team Application


Necessarily I am not doubting your ability to build, however let me explain why you are unlikely to be accepted into the MunchyMC Build Team.

  • You are quite vague: for instance,

It would be more helpful to elaborate on what hours you can play at. For instance, something similar to the schedule below:

  • Monday: ___ AM to ___ PM
  • Tuesday: ___ PM to ___ PM
    et cetera, et cetera.

And for which, you seem to be underestimating the role you are applying for. You are applying to

and not just

  • As well as being vague on information, you are vague at relaying information.
    As for instance, you mention being ‘very experienced with worldedit and the other plugins’. You say other plugins as if you know how to use plugins, however would you mind telling me the types of plugins you use? Or do you just use WorldEdit?

  • You also go out of your way to mention servers you’ve worked for, but for what I can see, you own one out of the 5 you mentioned (ElectroVoid Network), and most of the servers for I can find are dead servers.

Regardless, I don’t think you currently are on par with other builders whom are in the Build Team at the moment. However that doesn’t mean I doubt your ability to build, and the ability to improve. Nonetheless, I hope you the best of luck.


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