Brewing haste

Some carrots i mined have an nbt tag and cant be put into the brewing stand. what should i do

Our devs are working on a fix for this at the moment, but you will need to complete the carrot harvesting quest first in the mean time to get carrots without an NBT tag. Unfortunatly we cannot just change it right away as some people were abusing coding oversights in the quests for free rewards, we had to add NBT tags to all harvested carrots while the quest is active so they are only counted once towards quest progress.


So i found that jumping on the carrots give them without the tag

I believe it’s been fixed now? Should be able to harvest normally :slightly_smiling_face:

Nope, not fixed yet.

@AnamikOcean This issue is now fixed :D if you have any items that are still stuck with NBT data, left click them once and the data will be removed!