Azkyy Application media rank

Number of subs: 2600 edit 3200 edit again 4700 edit again again 6500 edit x3 10k edit x4 13k

Average number of views per vid:

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers:

I have only been making content on this youtube channel for around 4 months now but have had other channels that date back to 2013

I have been creating content for MunchyMC since 2020

Servers for which you have created content:
Hypixel, Invaded lands, Munchy, PvpLands, My own servers

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC?
I feel I would be a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC because I plan to do daily streams bringing my audience to your server and you bringing your player base to me I plan to use the rank as a way to give back to the community possibly giving away ranks to players in chat and I also would like to make specific content on the various game modes on your server and really present your server in a good light. I understand that having this rank means your represent MunchyMc and its player base and that’s what I plan to do. I would like to thank you for your time and say I plan to make lots of content surrounding your server

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You seem to be very dedicated to making content on Munchy, even though you haven’t streamed on Munchy in a while after some… questionable videos :flushed:

But I do think you have a good chance at getting the media rank,
Good Luck!

thanks man

I will give you a +1:

  • Active
  • Friendly
  • Great improvement

I wish you the best! :+1:

McDonald ty, I was too lazy for writing my own +1. Anyways :roll_eyes:, +1 good luck!

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+1 ive came across you ”hey shitass” videos before so thats pretty Pog! :DDD

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Hey, it looks as if you’re subbotting.
In less than 24 hours you edited this post with your subscribers growing in the thousands when you get 1-30 subs a day?
If you can explain this phenomenon, I do apologize for the accusations.

I got multiple viral videos if you go to my actual channel

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I do apologize then.

just noticed the person who applied after me already got a response (sad noises)

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+1 It seems that you have a great channel so I hope you get media rank gl


-Has a pretty high amount of subscribers
-I’ve actually come across some of your videos, so they seem to be doing good!

I mean, it’s not necessarily a bad thing…
It might even mean media manager bois are considering you for the role as we’re speaking :o


Those last few videos were… uh.

I feel like you are a good youtuber/streamer with proper growth, maybe a bit more munchy streams/vids would be good though

Heya Azkyy!

After taking a look at your channel, we don’t feel you’re quiet ready for joining the media team yet. But if you’re interested in getting a 2 week trial please go ahead and message me on discord ( EeveeNoises#0014 ).