Applying for Media Rank - Squiden

Channel link:

Number of subs: I have 966 subscribers as of 11/09/2018

Average number of views per vid: I used to get 300 - 800 views on average but then i deleted all of my videos cause they were too old and i was too young so as of now, i don’t have an average view count.

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers: I’ve been creating content for Munchy for about 1 day but i recorded alot most of my videos on Cubecraft before i deleted them all.

Servers for which you have created content: Cubecraft, AbbexNetwork (Swedish Server) and MunchyMC.

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC? I’m trying to be as helpful and friendly in the chat as possible. I mostly make edits and music which i think could help the server alot with gaining a reputation 'cause most people like edits.

Yours truly, Squiden

You have a decent subscriber count, and you seem like you would enjoy the role given as you say you’re trying to be helpful in the chat and all. In the meantime I recommend rolling out another video or two so we can see what more you can contribute as Media, as there’s only one video available on your channel now. I can confidently say you will get the rank if you keep your activity up :smile_cat:


+1 You have a good subscriber count with a decent amount of views and as a media myself you seem non toxic and really nice to others and the editing is top notch

Hey @Squiden, are you still interested in this position? We have not heard from you in a while.

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Unfortunately not. I’ve just stopped playing Minecraft and not interested in making videos too.

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Sorry to hear :crying_cat_face: if you ever get your grind going again we’d love to hear from you :smile_cat:

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