
Channel link:

Number of subs:
about 150 or so
Average number of views per vid:
How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers:
since 2017(some on an old account)
Servers for which you have created content:
hypixel, minecraft party (now known as brawl) mineplex(i don’t actually remember if i recorded here, i think i did back in the day
What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC?
Minecraft earth beta is closing, so I need to make content, and i can’t stick to one server, or everyone will be sick of it. I have watched Bad’s content, and joined, and liked the community, games, and server. I understand if you decline, and won’t be mad/“exposing” you guys. I’m a fan of your server, and would like to stream and create content here, along with hypixel and maybe some other servers. Thank you for reading, and if accepted, thank you for helping grow my channel. Again, I am a big fan of the server. Thank you! :)

I don’t know if I am allowed to comment on these, but here we go.

I have never really heard of your channel before, you only have like 2 hypixel videos, legit no MunchyMC videos on the account provided, If you can remember your old account’s username, It would be nice to post it up with this.

You only have 135 subs as well.

huh, i uploaded one, that’s weird…
also, the old username is and the account has random names due to google glitching out.

Yeah, I found one of your Munchy videos, but your other account has even less subs, but does have some minecraft vids.

yeah, because i had to abandon the account cuz of google accounts.

Also you must have at least 1500 subs to be able to get the rank^^


Application denied as you do not currently meet our media requirements. Please reapply in the future once you feel you meet these requirements.


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