All the woolwars bugs V2

After playing with this update i have found a few bugs that are annoying me.

  • If you hit a player then they use an enderpearl, if they die you will not get kill credit

  • Enderpearls are way too rare in chests.

  • Using an enderpearl while gliding disables the kit

  • Eating a golden apple with the healer kit removes the perm regen the kit is supposed to have (credit to @ZachDontFall)

  • There is a bug that allows any kit to take 0 fall damage, regardless of height without water or webs.

  • Sandstone still deletes items, making camel kit slightly more redundant than it already is.

  • While maps are supposed to have 10-15 minutes of playtime, it feels like most of them dont, especially older maps.

  • Woolwars begins to lag too much past about 12 hours of uptime.

  • If a player is hit by a spiderman’s snowball, the webs spawn a block in front of the player many times, making it more useless. if a player is hit by a snowball from spiderman webs should be spawned directly on top of them

  • Ninja kits often get stuck in their own platform.

  • Many maps give massive framedrops to players who dont have god PC,s (flag wars)

  • Remove the barriers at the top of the map and keep the block limit, not being able to sprint jump up there is very annoying

  • It is impossible to pick up items until the grace period has ended.

  • Kits should drop their items on death if it is not an ability activation item. Endermen should drop their pearls and Grandpa should drop the stick

  • When woolwars games start there is a chance for the countdown to start before its supposed to, and not teleport everybody to the correct spawnpoints.

  • About a month ago i saw a post about vanish still being able to teleport outside of the map, i dont know if this is true for all maps.

  • jump boost 1 potions are absolutely useless, please remove them.
    If anybody else has other bugs they would like to report, i am trying to collect them in one place

1/15 @ 10:45 AM (EST) Added bugs for Spiderman and Ninja kit, as well as not being able to pick up items until grace ends.
@Fumaz @BFI01


Personally, I think there is no problem with the rarity of pearls in chests. Pearls are pretty op items, and making them show up too frequently in chests could make the game a little less fun. Plus, more pearls in chests would make the Teleporter kit less useful. That is just my personal opinion though, I haven’t been playing WoolWars for long at this point so I don’t have too much knowledge of the game-mode yet. <3


To put it into perspective, i was able to get a full set of diamond armor on the kevin tournament before i found 1 pearl

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This isn’t a bug?

Again this isnt a bug and you can use jump boost 1 potions offensively.


These arent bugs but they are still problems in my opinion. the only kit that can use a jump boost 1 potion effectively is glider.

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Known, awaiting fix.

Diamond chestplate and leggings have a 1% chance of spawning. Enderpearls have a… 1% chance of spawning. You’ll need a different argument if you want to convince me to up the spawn rate of pearls because I think they’re in a good place right now (you could always use Teleporter, just saying :wink:).

Intentional, makes sense.

Known, awaiting fix.

Need more info, no idea what you mean (how would I reproduce this?).

Will look into that - it predates my management so don’t know if its intentional or not.

Please tell me the names of the maps that feel to fast/slow so I can fix them! I’d say around 1/3 of them still need fixing but at this point I’m not sure which maps they are.

This isn’t an easy fix, although there may be some improvement too that soon. In my experience it doesn’t get too bad till 20 hours at which point the server should be restarted. If WW is too laggy just ask a SMod+ to come on and restart the server.

Will look into this.

I’m aware of Flag Wars, trying to think of a solution for it. Any other maps that cause lag please let me know.

Not happening.

Will look into that - it predates my management so don’t know if its intentional or not.

No, each kit should be isolated for the most part (Archer seems to be an exception to this at the moment though).

Known, awaiting fix.

If you find any spots that Vanish can escape the map let me know which map and where and I’ll fix it.

Use them offensively.


Gaming Beefy knows his stuff O_O


Isn’t there like 1 pearl per game in a random chest

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Another bug: Using engineer pistons to get above the height limit


Some more bugs:

When server is laggy all sounds have a chance of playing twice

Sometimes chat death messages appear more than once

Every once in a while I will get ten tokens instead of five for a kill

Sometimes at the beginning of a round teleporter’s pearls won’t land but still be consumed from inventory

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I can definitely agree with the frame drops, that is very annoying.