A Solution to people putting items on BM and auction at a way higher price than they are worth

Hello, so i have just thought of an idea to stop the people on black market and auctioning items at very high prices, which is a tax system, and the tax will be 1% of the price the item is being sold at. Also, you can also setup a way that depending on the price of your item, you can pay more money to make it stay on BM longer, since i believe items stay on bm until you buy them, might be wrong, but pretty sure thats the case. I really feel that the game needs this, since BM is literally a place where idiots buy their gear, and will give trade tokens more purpose since tax wont affect them.

I mean, what do you guys think of this?

I assume you are talking about Prison here and I believe that item that you put on BM actually expire, so if no one buys them, you need to put them on BM again.
Buying and selling Items would be more risky since you could just have the items drop and /pay the other players, which can be affected by lag clear or scamming since people can just not pay. Trade tokens are pretty uncommon and it would probably affect new players that barely have anything.
This could also lead to the fact that less people put items on BM/Auc which makes it harder to quickly get an item if you need one because you have to ask in chat etc.
As the map goes on, prices will change constantly. Money will have less value and there will be more rares which also causes the value to drop.
I see your point because I’ve seen ultras on bm which go for 15mil, which is way too much, but I think auction is mostly balanced.

As DonutJack said, items on the BM do expire if they are not bought after a while.

The BM actually can have very reasonable prices, and usually you can find the seller and negotiate down if you really feel the price is unfair.

I don’t find that there’s an issue with items being at high prices overall, it doesn’t do anything to the economy. Spam auctioning items at exorbitant prices can be annoying though, so I do get your point. I just don’t feel like there’s a need for this.

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Alrighty then